Charleston Fall Scholastic 2017

October 4th, 2017

Mark your October calendar for Saturday, October 28, for the Charleston Fall Scholastic.   It will be held at The Church of the Holy Cross, 299 Seven Farms Drive, Daniel Island, SC. in the Parish Hall.  Printout the following flyer for info:

Charleston Fall Scholastic 28Oct17

UPDATE –  See results at following link – Charleston Fall Scholastic 2017

CCC November Scholastic, Saturday, 11/12/16

November 4th, 2016

The CCC is hosting the November Scholastic on Saturday, 11/12/16, at our meeting site, Church of the Holy Cross, 299 Seven Farms Dr., Daniel Island, 29492.  Click below for the flyer and entry form:


10th Patrick D. Hart Memorial Scholastic, January 31, 2015

January 14th, 2015

Pinckney Elementary Cafeteria,  3300 Thomas Cairo Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29456

4 Round Swiss System

Game 30; delay (0)

Entry Fee:  $15 (if received by 1/28/15; $20 at site)

USCF membership required (go online at “” to join or renew)

Sections:  K-3, K-5, K-8, K-12

Trophies:  Top 3 in each section; Top 2 U300 in K-3; Top 2 U600 in K-5; Top 2 U700 in K-8; Top 2 U800 in K-12

Registration:  8-9:30am at site

Sections may be combined for pairing purposes, if necessary.

Mail advance entries to:  Charleston Chess Club c/o David Y. Causey, 741 Dragoon Drive, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Email inquiries to “”

Please provide following info with your entry:

Name & USCF #

School & Grade

Date of birth


Make checks payable to :  Charleston Chess Club

Charleston Thanksgiving Quads and Scholastic Tournament

October 13th, 2014

Date: November 22, 2014

Site: Park Circle Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 4701 Park Place, West Durant Ave., North Charleston (CCC regular meeting site)

Adult Quads (based on ratings using four players round robin format)

3 rounds, Time Control: G/55 d/5

Registration: 9-9:30am; Rounds at 9:30am, noon, and 2:30pm

Entry Fee: $15.00

Prizes: $30 – 1st, $15 – 2nd, in each quad

Scholastic Tournament:

In 3 sections, Beginners, K-5 and 6-12

3 or 4 rounds depending on entries

Time Control: G/30 d/5

Registration: 9-9:30am, pre-registration allowed

Rounds: 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 and, if  necessary, 1:00pm

Entry Fee: $10.00

Trophies awarded to top three in each section

Email “” for pre-registration form

1st Charleston Scholastic Chess Team Tournament (K-8), Saturday, July 26th

July 13th, 2014

Click on the link below to see flyer:

Charleston Scholastic Team Tournament ver2

Upcoming Tournaments for South Carolina

October 19th, 2012

To see the most recent “Tournament Life Announcements” for S.C., click on the following link:

Upcoming Tournaments for South Carolina

38th Snowstorm Special, Feb. 11-12, 2012

February 3rd, 2012

The 38th Snowstorm Special will be held begining Saturday, February 11, 2012, with rounds 1-3 that day and rounds 4-5 on Sunday.  This is a change from past Snowstorm’s, but actually it reverts back to the original format in the early years.  In a effort to reduce entry fee costs for our players, but still maintain the same class prizes of $100, we have gone to the 2 day schedule by reducing the cost of the meeting room by one day.  We encourage all of our local players to not miss the opportunity to play in a weekend tournament in their home area, thus saving on hotel and travel costs.  Early registration at the lower $50 entry fee is available until Wednesday, Feb. 8, and if you cannot get it in the mail before then, just stop by our club meeting that night and you can still register for the lower rate.  USCF and SCCA membership is required for play.  If your USCF membership has expired, you can renew online at “”, but if you just need a SCCA membership, you can join or renew at registration.  SCCA memberships are just $10 a year for adults and $5 a year for juniors under 19 years of age.

Our annual Snowstorm Special is considered a “heritage” event by the USCF, having been held for more than 25 years.  It is our premier tournament in Charleston and is proud to have not only strong International Masters as winners, but also some of our best local players.  This year’s tournament has been tailored more towards the “class” player, since it does not offer grand prix points to attract touring masters, but instead focuses on giving the class players a chance to win either a place prize or a class prize.  For those that have not played in awhile, dust off that set and clock, confirm your USCF membership, and get your entry fee in so that you can “capture the glory” once again with your “over-the-board” chess prowess!

The site for this year’s tournament is the same as in the past few years, the Best Western Plus Downtown near the corner of Spring St. and Lockwood Blvd.  Parking is free and there are many eateries nearby, including a restaurant in the hotel.  We look forward to seeing our regular tournament players, but are always encouraged by those that show up and support our tournament as their lone annual tournament.  Newcomers are welcome and we will help with the details of joining all the required associations so that you can become a rated tournament player. 

The tournament announcement details can be viewed by clicking on “Upcoming Tournaments” on the right side of the home page.  Any questions can be sent to David Causey (

Looking forward to seeing all our players!

Grandmaster Lubomir Ftacnik – Lecture and Simul – Aug. 24th, 7pm

August 11th, 2011

Grandmaster Lubomir Ftacnik of Slovakia will be at our club on Wednesday, August 24th, 2011, to present a chess lecture and simultaneous exhibition.  The lecture is free to all members and guests, while for the simul, we request a $5 contribution from adult players which goes towards scholastic chess.  Scholastic players can play for free!  Join us at 7:00pm to attend both events and bring your set and board if you plan to play in the simul.  GM Ftacnik has attended twice before in the past and has given very instructive lectures on famous games.  His tour of our state has been sponsored by the generosity of Precision Tune Auto Care.

Check out his info at Wikipedia – GM Lubomir Ftacnik

“Make a Difference 2” Chess Tournament

June 29th, 2011

On Saturday, July 23, 2011, the Charleston Chess Club will host a USCF-rated tournament at the office of SPARC on Daniel Island.  The net proceeds from the $10 entry fee will be used to assist the fledgling chess program at Summerville High School.  Time control: G/60 (45′ + 15″ with increment clock).  Registration: 9-9:30am. Rounds:  9:45am, 1pm, and 3:15pm.  Tournament format (Swiss,  quads, etc.) will be decided based on number and rating profile of participants.  USCF membership required.  Pre-registration and contact: Chris Falter, 213 Goldfinch Ln., Summerville, SC 29485 (843)-696-8277.  Come have fun and make a difference!

6th Patrick D. Hart Memorial Scholastic, January 22, 2011

January 14th, 2011

The 6th Patrick D. Hart Memorial (PHM) Scholastic chess tournament is being held January 22, 2011.  The new site is the Hawthorn Suites, 2455 Savannah Hwy (US17South) in Charleston, SC.  This is a USCF-rated tournament, but features a special non-USCF section for beginning players.  Checkout the details by clicking on “Upcoming Tournaments” on our main webpage (right side).  For those who never knew Pat, he was an avid chessplayer who excelled in both over-the-board and postal chess, achieving an Expert rating in both.  Though stricken with muscular dystrophy since his youth and wheel chair bound, he was an able chessplayer, even excelling at speed and blitz chess.  Pat was also the backbone behind the Charleston Chess Club, where he served as President and perenial Treasurer until near the end of his life.  He also served as the S.C. Chess Assocation’s Treasurer from 1985 until his death.  He will always be remembered as a pillar of both Charleston and South Carolina chess.  For all scholastic players, join us at the 6th PHM Scholastic and help us support chess as Pat would have.