May 11th, 2018

2018 CCC Champion – Stephen Welt
The 2018 CCC Championship finished on May 2, 2018, with Stephen Welt topping the field with an undefeated 4-0 score. This championship was Stephen’s fifth since 2009 where it had been contested between Elijah Neumann (4 wins) and David Causey (2 wins) and Stephen. One of Stephen’s wins was a tie with David Causey where there was no playoff. To see the USCF cross table from the event, click on the following link:
2018 CCC Championship cross table
February 19th, 2018
Lendel Robinson(1734) might have been last registering for the 44th Snowstorm Special but that didn’t keep him from winning 1st place in Saturday’s annual tournament. Ranked 4th behind three “A” players, Lendel scored 4-0 including a win over Randy Mosteller(1824) of Elloree, SC, in the 3rd round. He finished with a win over CCC’s own James Bickley who had three points going into the final round with a big win over Ian Barnett(1822) in the 3rd round. Jim’s consolation was winning the U2000 prize. Second place outright went to Stephen Welt of Charleston, who was the highest rated player, but took a 1/2 point bye in the 1st round and scored three straight wins to score 3.5-.5.
Also noteworthy was the performance of Matthew Johnson and Warren Sampson who each scored 3-0-1.0 to win the U1800 and U1600 prizes, respectively. Just as many times in the past, it took only two points to win a prize in the lower rankings as James Poole II and Jonathan Satterfield won the U1400 and U1200 prizes with 2.0-2.0 scores.
To view the final USCF crosstable for the event, click on the following link:
44th Snowstorm Special Crosstable
December 20th, 2017
The 13th Pat Hart Memorial Scholastic will be held on January 20, 2018, at the Church of the Holy Cross on Daniel Island (same as our meeting location). We are proud to have started this annual event in memory of Pat who served our club as well as the state in building chess activity. He was a strong player in his own right and scored many local championship titles. Come out and compete as a great warmup for the S.C. Scholastic Championships in March. Click below for a flyer and entry form.
13th-Patrick-D-Hart (1)
Update – Click the following link for crosstable results at USCF:
13th PHM Scholastic

Matthew Johnson, 1st place, K-12

Proud trophy winners!
June 26th, 2016

2016 CCC Upper Section Champion – Expert Elijah Neumann

2016 CCC Lower Section Champion – Robert Webb
The 2016 CCC Championship has finished! Congratulations go out to Elijah Neumann/Upper Section Champion and Robert Webb/Lower Section Champion. Other trophy winners in the Lower Section are as follows:
2nd Place – Matthew Johnson
3rd Place – Braeden Reed
Top U1000 – Sam Stone
Thanks to everyone for playing and supporting our club championship.
Click here for final USCF cross tables: CCCCh2016
February 18th, 2015
For many years, it has been known that the open format of the Snowstorm Special can lead to some major upsets. Many a master has gone down to a Class A or B player in the early rounds. For the lower rated players, generally a score of 3-2 will secure some prize money, due to the competition. This year’s tournament was no exception, as Ian Bell, rated 1654, downed last year’s champ, Expert Donny Gray of Georgia, in round four, and went on to win his final round game to place second overall. South Carolina state champion, Expert Wayne Christensen, who had beaten Bell in round two and drawn Gray in round 3, finished the tournament with two strong wins to go 4.5-.5 and take first place overall. Congratulations to Wayne and Ian on a great tournament!
In the U1401 section of the tournament, James A. Williams of Virginia finished just like last year with a 5-0 result and took first place alone. His travelling companion, Joseph Jackson, playing in his first tournament, lost only to his friend, Williams, drew another game, and won 2nd place with a 3.5-1.5 score. For our friends from Virginia, congratulations and thanks for your support!
Commentary: The Snowstorm Special is the only weekend tournament held in the Charleston area to give local players a chance to play without travel and hotel expenses. Some of our club players played in this year’s tournament, as in the past, and we are thankful for their support. It must be mentioned that those who did not attend should note there was no player under 1600 in the Open section, thus no prize was paid out. In fact, some players withdrew that would have probably shared or won the U2000 prize due to Ian Bell achieving the 2nd place finish. An U2000 player that finished the tournament with a 2.5-2.5 score (50%!) won the U2000 prize! If you don’t play, you don’t win prizes! “Food for thought” for those that think they didn’t have a chance after a loss in the early rounds of the Open section. We may make some changes next year to encourage more players to attend, but, hopefully, if those that quit early or didn’t play at all will just look at the results, they should realize that they “left prize money on the table”.

41st Snowstorm Special Champion – Expert Wayne Christensen

41st Snowstorm Special – 2nd Place – Ian Bell
Click here for the final USCF cross-table.
February 4th, 2015

For the second straight year, the attendance at the Patrick Hart Memorial Scholastic has set a new record. On Saturday, January 31, 2015, the tournament had 69 participants, breaking last year’s record attendance of 47. These gains would not be possible without the help of our dedicated coaches and teachers who energize these young players into pursuing our beloved activity. Our thanks go out to Stephen Welt, Ec Setser, Dennis Dawley, Derek Duncan, Zach Darga, and Eric Brunhouse for their efforts to grow our scholastic chess in the Charleston area.
Click here for the USCF cross-tables.
July 30th, 2014
Four teams competed in the 1st Charleston Scholastic (K-8) Team Tournament last Saturday, July 26th. Below are the final results and trophy winners:
1st Team Trophy – “Old School Gamers”, 1st Bd-Brady Setser, 2nd Bd-Jacob Koscinski, 3rd Bd-Austin Setser, 4th Bd-Bohan Wang
2nd Team Trophy – “Charleston Chess Club”, 1st Bd-Alex Hylton, 2nd Bd-Brandon Steen, 3rd Bd-Shiv Mehta, 4th Bd-Eric Brunhouse(adult alternate)
3rd Team Trophy – “Daniel Island”, 1st Bd-Braedon Reed, 2nd Bd-Nathan Poillion, 3rd Bd-Walker Bauknight, 4th Bd-Mason Bauknight
Top Scorers:
1st Bd – Tie between Pierson Tran(trophy on tiebreaks) and Alex Hylton (2-1 scores)
2nd Bd – Jacob Koscinski (free entry to PHM 2015 for 3-0 score)
3rd Bd – Austin Setser (free entry to PHM 2015 for 3-0 score)
4th Bd – Bohan Wang(2-1 score)
Note: The 4th place team was from Mason Prep and was made up of Pierson Tran on 1st board, then followed by an all-girls contingent of Christie Tran, Sophie Nguyen, and Eshani Methta. They fought hard and garnered a few points for their efforts.
Thanks to CCC Sec. Dennis Dawley for organizing and directing this new tournament. Also, many thanks to our CCC volunteers, Alan Hopkins, Gregg Passmore, EC Setser, and Wally Jack for helping out with the tournament.
February 9th, 2014

Expert Donny Gray of St. Simons, Georgia
Expert Donny Gray of St. Simons, Georgia, won his third Snowstorm Special in four years after going 4-1 in the annual event this past weekend. The 40th Snowstorm Special was held at the Holiday Inn Express-Summerville, on February 8-9, 2014, and attracted 18 players from South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia. Expert Patrick McCartney of Charlotte, N.C., finished 2nd with a 3.5-1.5 score. Check out the following link for the USCF crosstable of the event:
40th Snowstorm Special
Other prize winners were Elijah Neumann and John von der Lieth who tied for the Under 2000 prize and Ken Fickling who won the Under 1600 prize. In the Under 1401 section, James Williams of Virginia won 1st place with a 5-0 score, with Eric Hill (NC), Zach Darga (SC), and Gregg Passmore(SC), tying for 2nd place.
Congratulations to all our winners!
August 22nd, 2013
Dennis Dawley |
1 |
John King |
0 |
G/90;d5 |
Elijah Neumann |
1 |
David Causey |
0 |
G/90;d5 |
Jeanie Herold |
1 |
Wally Jack |
0 |
G/55;d5 |
Gregg Passmore |
0 |
Alan Hopkins |
1 |
G/90;d5 |
CCC Ladder I rated crosstables
May 2nd, 2013
After the fourth and final round concluded, the Charleston Chess Club Championship will be shared by Stephen Welt and David Causey, who won their final games after drawing each other in the 3rd round. Each player finished with a score of 3.5 – .5. The “Under 1500” prize was won by Michael Doyle, who came out of semi- retirement to defend his title, scoring 2.5-1.5 in a field where he played both higher and lower rated opponents. The “Under 1500 Runner-Up” prize will be shared by Zach Darga and Gregg Passmore, both with a final result of 2.0-2.0. Congratulations to all the winners!
We will have an awards presentation during next week’s meeting and make plans for some upcoming “Quick-rated” and “Blitz” tournaments. Click on the following link to view the USCF-rated crosstable:
2013 CCC Championship Crosstable