50th Annual Snowstorm Special

February 17th, 2025

February 22, 2025 Bethel United Methodist Church 57 Pitt Street, Charleston, SC 29401

Register at: https://caissachess.net/online-registration/index/5333

48th Annual Snowstorm Chess Tournament February 4, 2023

December 20th, 2022

This is actually the 50th year since the first tournament back in 1973 when it was held as the S.C. Junior Championship during the 1973 snowstorm weather event in Charleston.  In 1974, it was held as an annual tournament commemorating the previous year’s event and only two years were missed due to lack of organizers.  Though it was a weekend five round for many years, organizers found it easier to have as a one-day event, which actually increased the turnout.  Let’s keep up the support for one of the South’s oldest tournaments outside of state championships.


More Info:  The tournament will be played in the Education Building, which is located next to Bethel United Methodist Church.  Free all-day parking is available behind the Education Building and Bethel Church.  Chess players and their guests will enter the Education Building through the door on the south side of the building nearest to Pitt Street, which will be indicated by signs.  On the first floor, players will compete in the Fellowship Hall.  Guests may stay in a small chapel during play.  Bathrooms and a water fountain are nearby.  Additional bathrooms are on the second floor at the top of the steps

Jim Bickley

President, CCC


15th Pat Hart Memorial Scholastic, February 15, 2020

January 29th, 2020

Click below to download flyer:

CCC Championship 2019, May 11, 2019

April 11th, 2019

Click on the above file to download the flyer.

45th Snowstorm Special and 14th Patrick D. Hart Memorial Scholastic, February 16, 2019

January 20th, 2019

A day of chess on February 16!  Two tournaments at the Church of the Holy Cross parish hall, the 45th Snowstorm Special with guaranteed prize fund and the 14th Patrick D. Hart Memorial Scholastic.  Download the flyers for entry below:

45th Snowstorm Special 2019

14th Patrick D Hart Memorial 2019

2018 Fall Scholastic and Adult Quads, Oct. 13, 2018

October 4th, 2018

In honor of National Chess Day, we are holding the 2018 Fall Scholastic and Adult Quads on October 13, 2018, at the Church of the Holy Cross, 299 Seven Farms Drive, Daniel Island.  For pre-entry forms, click on the below link:

2018 Fall Scholastic Tournament and Adult Quads 13 Oct 2018

Note: Both early entries if received by 10/10/18.

End of the Year 2018 Scholastic Chess Tournament and Adult Quads, May 5, 2018

April 16th, 2018

More Chess!  Check out the below flyer:

EOY 2018 Scholastic Tournament, and Adult Quads 5 May 2018

Annual CCC Election of Officers – April 4, 2018

March 29th, 2018

Per our bylaws, the first meeting in April each year is for the election of officers.  We need our members to be present to have a quorum else it will be postponed until a quorum attends.  The election will be for president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.  Our officers take care of the business of our club and set schedules for tournaments and special events.  If anyone is interested in becoming a club officer, please contact one of the current officers and we can advise the roles of responsibility accordingly.

Also, our annual club championship usually begins on the second Wednesday of April each year, so sign up is between 7:00-7:30pm on April 11 with the 1st round beginning soon thereafter.  We are planning a time control of Game 75 with a 10 or 15 second increment.  Rounds will be each Wednesday thereafter with the number of rounds based on number of registered players.  USCF membership is required but entry is free for current club members.  Dues are $10 per year for those who need to join or renew.

Bring your sets and clocks!

See you there!

44th Snowstorm Special and Spring 2018 Scholastic, February 17, 2018

February 8th, 2018

The 44th Snowstorm Special Open Chess Tournament and the Spring 2018 Scholastic will be held February 17, 2018, at the Church of the Holy Cross, 299 Seven Farms Drive, Daniel Island.  Click on the below links for flyers and entry forms:

44th Snowstorm Special 2018

Spring 2018 Scholastic Tournament

13th Patrick D. Hart Memorial Scholastic, 1/20/18

December 20th, 2017

The 13th Pat Hart Memorial Scholastic will be held on January 20, 2018, at the Church of the Holy Cross on Daniel Island (same as our meeting location).  We are proud to have started this annual event in memory of Pat who served our club as well as the state in building chess activity.  He was a strong player in his own right and scored many local championship titles.  Come out and compete as a great warmup for the S.C. Scholastic Championships in March.  Click below for a flyer and entry form.

13th-Patrick-D-Hart (1)

Update –  Click the following link for crosstable results at USCF:

13th PHM Scholastic

Matthew Johnson, 1st place, K-12

Proud trophy winners!